Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saving Files to a CD or DVD, Creating a Data Disc in Windows 98, ME, or XP

Saving Files to a CD or DVD, Creating a Data Disc in Windows 98, ME, or XP

Making a data CD or DVD with Sonic RecordNow!
Copying files to a CD or DVD with HP or Veritas RecordNow
Copying files to a CD with Easy CD Creator 4
Copying data files to a CD with Easy CD Creator version 3.5 and earlier
Copying files to a CD using native CD burning in Windows XP
Related support

This document applies to HP and Compaq desktop computers with Windows 98, Me, and XP, with CD or DVD writable drives.
Creating a CD or DVD is often called "burning". To burn CDs and DVDs, you need software that works with your CD-RW or DVD+RW drive. This document explains how to use or HP, Veritas, or Sonic RecordNow, Adaptec's Easy CD Creator, or the native burning capability of Windows XP to create data CDs and DVDs. By using the steps in this document, you will not have to format discs and you will be able to back up any files that will fit on the discs.
Is this document not exactly what you are looking for? Try looking in the Related support section at the end of this document.
If your PC does not have recording software or a recordable CD or DVD drive, this document will not help you. Purchase and use CD recording software and hardware separately.
HP supports the lawful use of technology and does not endorse or encourage the use of our products for purposes other than those permitted by copyright law.
Making a data CD or DVD with Sonic RecordNow!
Sonic RecordNow is software for creating music CDs, data CDs, and data DVDs.

To create a data CD, select a section below that applies to the kind of CD you want to make.
Creating an exact copy of another CD
Creating a data disc from files
Creating an exact copy of another disc
Use the following steps to create copy another disc:
Insert the disc that you want to copy from.
Close any window that automatically opens.
Open RecordNow and click the Backup Projects tab (the tab with a picture of two blue discs).
Click Exact Copy.
If RecordNow cannot find a compatible drive, refer to the HP support document HP and Compaq PCs - CD or DVD Drive is not Detected .
In the first dropdown field, select the drive that contains the CD if it is not already selected.
Click Copy in the lower right corner of the window.
The CD tray automatically ejects when RecordNow is ready to create the disc. Insert a blank disc into the drive when prompted to do so.
If RecordNow has trouble writing or recognizing the disc, make sure the disc type is compatible with the drive. If an error appears, refer to HP and Compaq PCs - Drive Cannot Write to Writable Discs
Do not use the PC until the disc ejects from the drive.
You are done creating the CD.
Creating a data disc from files
The following instructions explain how to use Sonic RecordNow to copy files to a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW disc:
Open RecordNow and click the Data Projects tab (the tab with a picture of a folder).
If RecordNow cannot find a compatible drive, refer to the HP support document HP and Compaq PCs - CD or DVD Drive is not Detected .
Click data disc.
The words "Volume Label" are automatically selected in a text field at the top of the page. Type a new name that better describes the disc that you are about to create.
Click Add Files and Folders at the bottom of the page.
A browsing window appears.
Use the browse window to navigate to the files that you want to add to your new disc. To select multiple items, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting.
Click the Add button to add the selected files to the list of items to be burned.
Alternatively, you can click and drag files from Windows Explorer or an open window into the main window.
Pay attention to the amount of space that is taken up while adding files. The amount of space used is displayed in the upper right corner of the window. Don't add too many files so that the amount used exceeds the rating of the blank disc.
Continue adding files until done or the disc is full.
Click Burn in the lower right corner of the window.
Insert a blank disc into the drive when prompted to do so.
If RecordNow has trouble writing or recognizing the disc, make sure the disc type is compatible with the drive. If an error appears, refer to HP and Compaq PCs - Drive Cannot Write to Writable Discs
Do not use the computer until the CD ejects from the drive.
You are done creating the CD.
Copying files to a CD or DVD with HP or Veritas RecordNow
The following instructions explain how to use HP or Veritas RecordNow to copy data as files to a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW disc:
Open RecordNow.
If RecordNow cannot find a compatible drive, refer to the HP support document HP and Compaq PCs - CD or DVD Drive is not Detected .
From the main menu for HP RecordNow, click Make a Data Disc.
HP RecordNow automatically opens the CD tray on the recorder and prompts to insert a blank or appendable disc. Insert a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, or DVD+RW disc and click Next.
If RecordNow has trouble writing or recognizing the disc, make sure the disc type is compatible with the drive. If an error appears, refer to HP and Compaq PCs - Drive Cannot Write to Writable Discs
If the disc already contains pre-recorded files, RecordNow displays the message: The disc you have inserted already contains data. Click Yes to continue using the disc. Click No to use a different disc.
Select the files to copy to the disc by clicking Add Files and Folders.
Click the file or folder to highlight the filename to be written to the disc. Click Add to add the file or folder to the list. Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT keys to select multiple files or folders.
Continue adding files until all files and folders have been added. Click Next to begin the write operation.
HP RecordNow will perform a write speed test and copy the files to the disc. If possible, don't use the computer for anything else until RecordNow has finished creating the CD.
Copying files to a CD with Easy CD Creator 4
The following instructions explain how to use Easy CD Creator version 4 to copy data as files to a CD-R or CD-RW disc (not DVD).
Place a CD-R or CD-RW disc into the drive. Use CD-R discs unless there is a need to erase files later. Close any windows that appear after the disc is placed in the drive.
Click Start, Programs, Adaptec Easy CD Creator, and then Create CD.
If Easy CD Creator cannot find a compatible drive, refer to the HP support document HP and Compaq PCs - CD or DVD Drive is not Detected . Click Data CD and browse the folders in the left Explorer window to find files. Double-click the small folders to open them. Files inside the folders appear in the right window.
Click the files you want from the right window. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the files into the bottom CD layout window. Release the left mouse button to drop the file into the layout. Continue doing this until all files are in the CD layout window. To see if all the selected files will fit on the CD, refer to Estimated CD Free Space on the bottom of the main window.
Click the Advanced button and select Create CD. This reduces the time it takes to write the CD.
If RecordNow has trouble writing or recognizing the disc, make sure the disc type is compatible with the drive. If an error appears, refer to HP and Compaq PCs - Drive Cannot Write to Writable Discs
Select one of the following Write Methods:
Track-at-Once, Leave Session Open. Creates a CD that is left open when finished so that more music or data can be added at a later time. The CD will be incompatible with other CD drives and players until closed. A two to three second gap will occur between songs when played back.
Track-at-Once, Close Session and Leave CD Open. The default setting. Creates a CD that is left open when finished so that more music or data can be added at a later time. The CD can be played in other CD players until more files are added in a later session, at that point the CD needs to be closed. A two to three second gap will occur between songs when played back.
Track-at-Once, Close Disc. Creates a write-protected CD. Files cannot be added after the CD is closed.
Session-at-Once. Use this when making a music/data CD. Record the music tracks using the Session-at-Once setting. After the music has been recorded, use the Track-at-Once-Close Disc setting to add data files.
Disc-at-Once. Creates a CD in one pass that is usable with most CD drives. Files cannot be added once the CD is created. Eliminates the two-second gaps between songs and data.
To close a CD after the files are added, select Close CD. This makes the CD-R disc usable in almost all CD drives.
Click OK. The writing process starts automatically and will take time to finish. For best results, do not use the computer while the disc is being created. When finished, the disc will eject along with a message stating that the CD has been created successfully.
Copying data files to a CD with Easy CD Creator version 3.5 and earlier
The following instructions explain how to use Easy CD Creator version 3.5 and earlier to copy data as files to a CD-R or CD-RW disc.
Place a CD-R or CD-RW disc into the drive. Use CD-R discs unless there is a need to erase files later. Close any windows that appear after the disc is placed in the drive.
Open Easy CD Creator and cancel the Adaptec Easy CD Creator Wizard window if it appears.
Click the Data CD Layout tab.
Browse the folders in the upper left window to find files. Double-click the small folders to open them. Files inside the folders appear in the right window.
Click the files you want from the right window. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the files into the bottom CD layout window. Release the left mouse button to drop the files into the layout. Continue doing this until all files are in the CD layout window. Refer to the Estimated CD Free Space on the bottom of the main window to verify that there is enough space left on the CD.
Click File, then click CD Layout Properties.
Click the General tab and type a short name for the disc in the Volume Label field. Click OK when finished.
Click Create CD (the button with the red dot). The CD Creation window appears.
Click the General tab and select Create CD.
Click the Advanced tab and select one of the following options:
Close Session and Leave Disc Open. Creates a CD that is left open when finished so that more data can be added at a later time. The files from the first session can be played in other CD players, while files added later cannot be played in other CD players until the CD is closed.
Close Disc. Creates a write-protected CD. Files cannot be added after the CD is closed.
Disc-at-Once. Creates a CD in one pass that is usable with most CD drives. Files cannot be added once the CD is created.
Click OK. The writing process starts automatically and will take time to finish. For best results, do not use the computer while the disc is being created. When finished, the disc will eject along with a message stating that the CD has been created successfully.
Copying files to a CD using native CD burning in Windows XP
If your computer has Windows XP, you can create data CDs (not DVDs) using Windows XP. Use the following steps to copy files to a CD in Windows XP:
Place a blank CDR or CDRW in the CD or DVD writable drive. CDRW discs can be used many times and can have files rewitten or deleted in a later session.
A window for the writable drive opens automatically. If a window does not open, double-click My Computer, double-click the writable drive, and then skip to step 3.

Click Open a writable CD folder using Windows Explorer, and then click Next.
Browse to the files that you want to copy using My Computer or Windows Explorer.

Click the files you want from other Windows or Windows Explorer. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the files into the Window for the CD or DVD drive. Release the left mouse button to drop the files and create a queue icon (an icon of the file with an arrow pointing down that represents a file waiting to be copied). Continue doing this until all files are in the writable folder window. Pay attention to the amount of free space available on the disc by referring to the Details section in the lower left side.
After you have created your queue of files, close all other software that is open.
Click Write these files to CD.
A window appears asking for a name.
If Windows XP displays the error: Please insert a writable CD into drive and a blank writable CD is in the drive, make sure the disc type is compatible with the drive. If the error persists, refer to HP and Compaq PCs - Drive Cannot Write to Writable Discs
Type in a name. Otherwise, Windows XP uses the current day's date for the name.
Click Next and do not do anything else on the computer until Windows XP is done creating the disc.
Related support
To learn more about disc types, refer to CD and DVD Format Information .
To learn more about Sonic RecordNow! 7, refer to Using Sonic RecordNow! 7 .
To create an audio disc that can be played in most CD players, refer to Creating an Audio CD .
To create video discs in MyDVD, refer to Creating DVD and VCD Videos in Sonic MyDVD .
To create video discs in WinDVD Creator 2, refer to Working with WinDVD Creator 2 .
To create recovery discs, refer to Creating Recovery CDs Using Recovery CD Creator .
To create a recovery console or tools CD, refer to Recovery Tools and Recovery Console CDs

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